2008年12月4日 星期四


Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web applications that have the features and functionality of traditional desktop applications. RIAs typically form a stateful client application with a separate services layer on the backend.

RIA with real-time push
Traditionally, web pages have been delivered to the client only when the client requested for it. For every client request, the browser initiates an HTTP connection to the web server, which then returns the data and the connection is closed. The drawback of this approach was that the page displayed was updated only when the user explicitly refreshes the page or moves to a new page. Since transferring entire pages can take a long time, refreshing pages can introduce a long latency.

2008年11月27日 星期四

Gadget for Web Pages

It is a way to make you webpage nice by adding gadgets.
click the link below and find something interest.
It is both available for

Google Gadgets For Your Webpage

The google gadgets contains many category : News, Tools, Communication, Fun&Games, Finance, Sports, Lifestyle, Technology.

below is some example.

2008年11月20日 星期四

Web 2.0 And Web 3.0

This is a funny movie, that constrained to just text & pictures, explaining Web 2.0 & how it affects global society.

There is a research consultancy Project10X has just published a "Web 3.0 Manifesto".
The below image try to explain the innovation of the Web.

2008年11月13日 星期四

101 Web Marketing Ideas and Tips

see this: 101 Web Marketing Ideas and Tips

Web marketing is a wide range topic. There are so many things you can do.
This is a web page mentioned most of the web marketing and it will get you many tips.
Take it for you reference!!

There are are some highlight of it.
  • Global Marketing
  • Advertising and Affiliate Marketing
  • RSS & Newsletter Marketing
  • Analytics Marketing Techniques
  • Brand and Visibility Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Link Baiting, Link Building and Research
  • Corporate & e-Commerce Marketing
  • Blog Marketing
  • Design, Content, Accessibility and Usability Marketing

2008年10月30日 星期四

Six Steps to Ensure a Successful Usability Test

See This: Six tips to successful usability testing

This is a article that gets you some tips to find problem and fixing problem in usability testing.

Here is some a highlight. I will make it short. If you wanna know why and long description, please visit Six tips to successful usability testing.
  1. Start early!!
  2. Select issues that uncover problems if they exist
  3. focus on tasks that: are critical, are done frequently, have serious consequences if done, incorrectly, you or managers, designers, developers, writers are worried about.
  4. Find participants who really represent users.
  5. Watch and listen carefully.
  6. Help the designers and developers to see that uncovering problems is not a sign of failure.

2008年10月23日 星期四

Accessibility Tips

See this: Accessibility Tips

There are some useful techniques to increase the accessibility for your website.
Here is the highlight:
Validation: Make sure your website is valid for web standard. So that the accessibility tool can read it.

Platform Independence: Your website should be accessible regardless of the user's platform and settings.

Structural HTML: Concentrate on the structure of the document rather than its presentation. Let the Style sheets work for presentation.

Images: ALT is a must! Avoid using Images of Text and Image Maps!!

BODY Colors: . If you set the body color or body background, you should also specify all color attributes. Make sure that the page is readable.

The FONT Element: Avoid using "FONT" tag and "basefont" tag. Style sheets is much flexible.

Tables: Avoid using it for layout. WIDTH attribute is unnecessary. Never try to place a TABLE within a P element.

JavaScript: Don't rely on it. User can disable it. Screen reader ignore it.

Want to know why and how? Visit Accessibility Tips or Google it.

2008年10月16日 星期四

Top 10 SEO Mistakes

There many useful SEO information and tools I have found in this website (http://www.webconfs.com/).

You can find out something in this website too. Like SEO Tools, SEO Tutorial, SEO Articles, SEO Quiz, Web Tools, etc.

One of the articles I would like to introduce to you is this one. It reminds you don't do the wrong thing when you are working on the SEO of the website.
Top 10 SEO Mistakes
1. Targetting the wrong keywords
2. Ignoring the Title tag
3. A Flash website without a html alternative
4. JavaScript Menus
5. Lack of consistency and maintenance
6. Concentrating too much on meta tags
7. Using only Images for Headings
8. Ignoring URLs
9. Backlink spamming
10. Lack of keywords in the content